Wisdom Tooth Extractions Sumner
Removing Problematic Teeth Before They Cause Issues

Partial eruption and impaction are the two most common scenarios that warrant wisdom tooth extractions. While some patients experience no issues when these teeth arrive, the majority require dental intervention for a healthier, damage-free smile. Our team here at Complete Dental Care of Sumner can make this procedure easy and comfortable with the help of advanced dental technology. Call our office today if it’s time to schedule an appointment for yourself or a loved one.
Why Choose Complete Dental Care of Sumner for Wisdom Tooth Extractions?
- High-Resolution Dental X-Rays
- Comfort-Focused Approach to Care
- We Will Help Maximize Your Benefits
The Wisdom Tooth Process

Removing wisdom teeth is perhaps the most common oral surgical procedure. Based on the status of these teeth (partially erupted or impacted), we will remove them using a simple or surgical method. A simple procedure is commonly used on wisdom teeth that have partially erupted. Since a portion of the tooth exists above the gumline, we can use dental forceps and a dental elevator to lift the tooth and move it back and forth gently so that it detaches from the socket.
When these teeth are impacted, though, they exist beneath the gumline and cannot be seen by the naked eye. Instead, we must take a surgical approach that requires opening the gum tissue and removing the wisdom tooth in sections so that it does not further damage the underlying bone. Rest assured, patients are fully numbed for this process and the healing period is minimal!