Tooth Extractions Sumner

Taking Out Certain Teeth Before They Cause Lasting Issues

To say that our team cares for our patients’ smiles is an understatement. This means that every effort is made to restore, rebuild, and save teeth, no matter how damaged or decayed they might be. Unfortunately, when restorative treatment doesn’t work, we might have to suggest tooth extraction, but don’t fret. By removing one or more teeth, we can save your smile so that it remains healthier with each passing year.

Why Choose Complete Dental Care of Sumner for Tooth Extractions?

  • We Put Patient Safety and Comfort First
  • Evening & Weekend Appointments Available
  • Advanced Dental Technology Ensures Optimal Results

When are Tooth Extractions Necessary?

We will only extract a tooth if there’s no other way to ensure it’s able to remain inside your mouth. Should you exhibit any of the following, you’ll likely be recommended for tooth removal:

  • Severe dental decay is threatening the rest of your smile.
  • Facial trauma has damaged one or more teeth so badly that they cannot be saved.
  • A child’s primary tooth will not fall out on its own and needs help to create space for the permanent one.
  • A patient needs teeth removed to make room for orthodontic treatment.
  • Your teeth are at a high risk of decay and need to be removed for proper prosthetic placement.
  • You have advanced gum recession caused by periodontitis and your teeth are becoming loose.