Dentist W Brent Nash serving Puyallup, Wa.
W. Brent Nash’s practice can serve your whole family for a great variety of dental needs.
Dentist Office - W Brent Nash serving Puyallup, Wa.
The office of Dr. Nash takes care of the teeth and general oral health of people of all ages in your area. For your youngest children, Dr. Nash and his very knowledgeable staff averaging over 20 years of experience will keep the baby teeth clean and healthy and teach the children how to brush properly.
As the children grow, their permanent teeth will be monitored for potential difficulties so you can catch them early.
Dr. Nash’s office now carries the Sonic are model for children’s mouths and will instruct them in the most effective way to keep their teeth and gums in peak condition, along with advice on flossing and the use of rinses.
With regular check-ups and following the dentist’s advice you’ all be on the way to oral health.
Cosmetic Dentistry for Beautiful Teeth
At Dr. Nash’s office, serving Puyallup area residents, you will be able to not only retain peak health but have aesthetic problems corrected by the dentist and his staff. Not everyone is born with perfectly straight teeth, and Dr. Nash will be able to straighten them.
Today’s newest technology uses Invisalign, which is a more comfortable, less visual, and faster method of straightening teeth and you will see the improvement gradually as you go along.
Teeth whitening will put a twinkle in your smile and more confidence in your step. Whitening in your dentist’s office will last three to four times longer than at-home treatments so call Dr. Nash for an appointment to brighten up your mouth and your day!
Or, veneers might be recommended instead to change the whole look of your mouth.
Ask about other cosmetic dentistry procedures for more attractive teeth and gums.
Full Service Family Dentist Office
When visiting the friendly and family-like atmosphere of Dr. Nash’s office, you will learn that there is much more to regular check-ups and filling cavities. Periodontal dentistry includes scaling and root cleaning and can stave off toothaches. Root canal therapy can be relatively painless. Wisdom teeth can be removed, along with any other teeth if it is necessary.
Implants and dentures can be placed for you. Whatever your dental needs, if you are in or near Puyallup, you can count on Dr. Nash.